

Mysticism in Sheba's Room

August 1, 2024

Anima Majlis

Original Author Anima Majlis


The story of my novelette Sheba’s Room came to my mind when I was merely twelve years old. At the time, my father had taken us out on a family trip to the north eastern side of Bangladesh, Sylhet. There we came across a historical site of the Jointa Queen. Apparently, she was known for beheading people and bathing in their blood.

I personally found the story entrancing and decided that my first book would be about it. Thus, the story of Sheba’s Room began.

Readers will find a lot of mysticism in the book which mostly centres around the character Sheba.

For example, the first encounter the lead character Shrestha has with Sheba is when her love interest Sebastian stops the car to reach Sheba.

While they escape Sheba’s clutches, her henchmen topple over a police car.

This is just one of the horror-filled encounters the trio has with Sheba.

Basically, my book is about a trio- Shrestha, Sebastian and Cooper who are on what can be described as the scariest and longest car ride ever.


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