

You will miss me

November 25, 2024

Mohammad Sakib

Original Author Mohammad Sakib (Saku Mia)


In the morning at school,
   Seek me in the back row, a fool.
Look around here and there,
    Yet find me? You won't, I swear.
No use, oh, no use at all,
     Searching for me's a futile call.
For today, I've drifted away,
     Don't search for me, my friend, I say.

When you rest beneath the tree,
     Feeling the breeze, so wild and free,
You'll seek my shadow sly and shy,
     But it'll be gone, like the fleeting sky.
With a vase of flowers in your hand,
     You'll wander, hoping to understand,
But what will you find in your quest?
      Nothing remains, not even my vest.

When you roam on distant trails,
      Memories of me will tip the scales.
You'll weep, recalling days of glee,
       Drenched in waves of memory.
You’ll sigh, “Oh friend, my precious gem,
       I lost you, my priceless emblem.”
And as you cry, the earth will quake,
      The heavens too will tremble and shake.

      You'll wander, seeking me in vain,
But can you ever find me again?


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