

Moonlight of saku mia

November 25, 2024

Mohammad Sakib

Original Author Mohammad Sakib (Saku Mia)


A Night of Full Moon

Beneath the moonlit night, all foes turn friends,
No rivalries linger, no discord extends.
A swimmer’s shiver on a winter’s tide,
All merge as one, with none to divide.
Gone are the days of enmity and fight,
Under this moon, all hearts unite.

To the beat of the drum, the elders dance,
Swirling away in a rhythmic trance.
The drummer sways in the midnight air,
Calling all souls to gather and share.

Booming beats, the drum does play,
Turning night into day.
Its rhythm shatters every dream,
Thud-thud-thud, a joyous theme.
"Wake up, wake up!" the drummer cries,
"See the moon that lights the skies.
Do not sleep, for sleep's a snare,
Life slips away unaware."

The villagers shout, "Oh drummer, cease!
Let us rest; grant us peace.
Must we wake for the moon above?
We have our tasks, our work, our love."

Yet the drummer points, "Look through the trees,
See the moonlight dance on the breeze."

In the still of the night, the moon stands high,
Its silvery glow adorns the sky.
Earth spins on, in a celestial spree,
Tides rise and fall, led by gravity.
To this rhythm, young men dive,
Into the ocean, alive, alive.

To the beat, they shout in cheer:
"Tonight, the full moon's here!"
"Rejoice, my friends, let’s celebrate,
For such a night won’t wait."

"Come, my mates, let’s sing and play,
Before this night slips away."
"Light the fire in the courtyard round,
Let’s make the night with joy resound."
"Raise your torches to the skies,
Tonight’s the moonlit paradise!"

Yet the elders warn, "Oh, do not gloat,
The moon’s an old, familiar note.
Why dance and prance for its silver hue?
The moon is timeless, it’s nothing new."

The youth reply, "Oh, weary sage,
Life is fleeting at every stage.
Embrace nature’s love; let your spirit rise,
And see the moon with wonderous eyes."

The elder gazes, both weary and wise,
At the glowing moon in the midnight skies.
And in that moment, his burdens fade,
For life and death are but a masquerade.


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