

Is evolution just a theory or a fact? (Premium)

November 25, 2024

Madhab Debnath

Where did our oldest ancestors come from in ancient times? Life began about four billion years ago. After billions of years of evolution on earth, countless types of plant and animal species emerged. All these trees, plants, animals, and creatures that you see today, all came into being due to evolution, one of these species is also homo sapiens or human. But the question arises if humans came from monkeys, then why do we see monkeys even today? Why did all these monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorals not evolve into humans? People often raise such questions. Some people even deny evolution. They say this is a lie, how much truth is there after all? Is this a theory or a fact in this evolution theory and how have these different types of creatures evolved? Let us know in today's video. Let me clear the biggest misconception right from the beginning.

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