
বিশ্ব সাহিত্য

Life—An Endless Bus Journey Of Mohammad Sakib

February 6, 2025

Mohammad Sakib

Original Author Mohammad Sakib (Saku Mia)

Translated by Mohammad Sakib


Life—An Endless Bus Journey

I boarded a passenger bus,
Glancing around, I saw many like me—
Faces painted in hues of life.
A bus filled with happy passengers.

I heard whispers—many have ridden before me,
Many more will take their seats,
Some who left are now mere echoes,
Some may soon be forgotten too.

From ‘You’ to ‘Thou,’ ‘Thou’ to ‘He,’
All walks of life journey in this bus.
Its form is round, its destination unknown,
Far beyond the alleys of the city.

Some believe this bus has no end,
That it simply drifts along the cosmic road.
But none know the driver—
Some say there is none,
That it wanders, pilotless, forever.

Passengers board, passengers depart,
Some are swept away before their time.
No one ponders what lies beyond,
Many believe—there is nothing after.
Some wish to stay on board forever,
Yet, one day, they are forced to leave,
Dropped at unknown stations.

Between boarding and departure,
Lies the fleeting journey,
Where memories bloom and fade.
This stretch has many names—
Some call it ‘Earth,’
Some call it ‘Life.’

For life, after all,
Is nothing but an endless bus ride.


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