

Real Terrorists

১৫ জুন ২০২৪

আরিফুল ইসলাম ভূঁইয়া (আরিফ শামছ্)

Now this time for finding the real terrorist,
Who are they & why do this force?
Are they the doll of Game?
Have they used by any … … … ?
You are not a Muslim only;
But also the best creation of ALLAH;
You are a human being.
You always positives for all other beings;
If any human, Jeen & other creations,
Harmful and Terror for any lives,
Please raise your voice strongly,
Open your arm if need for peace.
As if; Life leads everybody in peace,
Ensure all the system & Technologies;
Secure them from blind trap & Selfish community,
War runs against selfish, blind, terrorist from the beginning.

15/02/2018 A.D.
Mogbazar, Ramna,