

Makes Me Grow

৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

হৃদয় হোসেন রাব্বি

মূল লেখক Ridoy Hosen Rabby

Makes me grow - Ridoy Hosen Rabby
Makes me grow English Poem


Makes Me Grow
- Ridoy Hosen Rabby


I've lost the east and lost the west.
I lost my surroundings.
Also I lost the ground soil under my feet.
I have seen the loss of loved ones, I have cried in their pain.
Lost the closest childhood friends and relatives.
I have lost the moon, I have lost the sun.
Lost willingly or unwillingly.
I lost the breath of air, and with it the shade of the trees.
I have lost the surprise of the morning, I have lost the rush of the night.
I have no regrets for losing so much.
O Allah! I don't want to lose you, the canopy of your throne;
And don't want to lose your mercy and the life loan.
Yes, I don't.
I don't know East-West, don't understand the flow.
I only know you Allah, makes me grow.